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When you sign up for TextIn or install TextIn from a partner platform, Colligso assigns a text-enabled Toll-Free number (TFN) to your account. You can find that number by following the steps described in Where can I find my SMS number? This number is considered unverified.
An unverified Toll-Free number indeed allows your account to send and receive text messages, but only for low frequency campaigns such as mobile opt-in and order notifications. It is not suitable for campaigns where you would send a text (or picture) message to 100s of customers. Colligso strongly recommends switching to 10DLC for such use cases.
Unverified toll-free number is subject to message blocking based on limits as described below.
Effective April 1 2023, all unverified Toll-Free numbers have been subject to message blocking.
Unverified Toll-Free numbers may route messaging traffic, but under volume threshold limits. An SMS text message may consist of one or more message segment. Each message segment is up to 160-characters without emoji. Message segments exceeding the following limits are blocked and not delivered, whichever comes sooner.
All messages, regardless of being successfully delivered or not, count toward the daily, weekly and monthly volume limits if they are processed through the network. If you send 25,000 message segments on the first day of the month, the first 500 are delivered, the remaining 24,500 will be blocked and you have met your monthly maximum. Message thresholds are subject to change.
Only Verified Toll-Free numbers will be able to route messaging traffic to Canada.
If your messages are blocked or delivery fails due to the messaging restrictions described above, your quota from the plan would still be consumed and overage, if applicable, will still be applied.
If your business is in the US and you do not expect that you would reach limits mentioned above, you may be ok provided you are using the text-based engagement to get customer opt-in or to notify them of orders, etc. If you want to blast text messages to all your customers or you are based in Canada, we strongly RECOMMEND taking either of the following actions.
〉〉〉Switch to 10-digit local code (10DLC) sanctioned route.
Get your business verified for text messaging over toll-free number. This process is manual and takes weeks. We RECOMMEND switching to the 10DLC sanctioned route instead.
〉〉〉Fill out Business Verification form to get the number verified.
If you still can't find an answer to what you're looking for, or you have a specific question, open a new ticket and we'd be happy to help!
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